Special Post - Share the ♥ Campaign part 2!

It's Domestic Violence Awareness Month and today I am helping Author Kristie Cook "Share the <3" by spreading awareness. If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone who is, here is a tip:

Create a path to safety.
There are many types of safety plans, from how to live with an abusive partner until you can get out, how to plan for children and pets, and what to do if you're pregnant. The Hotline can help you create your plans at http://www.thehotline.org/help/path-to-safety/

If you want to know more, visit www.TheHotline.org. And while you're there, Kristie and I hope you'll help by making a donation. Even just $5 can ensure one more call gets answered at The Hotline - an answer that could save a life.

Then, email your receipt to publisher (at) angdora (dot) com for entries into Kristie's giveaway and you could win some cool prizes. Get more entries in the Rafflecopter below. For more details, head on over to Kristie's Share the <3 Giveaway.


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